
Small Business Grants of up to $10,000

22 May 2020

Up to $10,000 Small Business Grants available now

Pandemic related- fears have hit consumer confidence hard. The much needed restrictions have made it difficult for smaller businesses to serve their customers, make profits and survive. Thankfully, the Queensland Government has taken note of this and is inviting applications for the Small Business COVID-19 Adaption Grant Program.

As the name implies, the program aims to support the small businesses that had to close or were otherwise harmed by the shutdown so they have an easier time getting back on track as soon as they’re able. It covers things like upskilling owners, utilities, rent and digital upgrades for the new normal.

In recognition of the significant impacts of COVID-19 on small businesses, the funding can be used towards the following:

financial, legal or other professional advice

strategic planning, financial counselling or business coaching

digital/technological strategy development

digital training or re-training to adapt to new business models

capital costs associated with meeting COVID-19 SAFE requirements

specialised digital equipment or business specific software to move business operations online

meeting business costs, including utilities, rent

Each eligible small or micro business can access up to $10,000 in grant funding and the scheme aims to help roughly 10,000 businesses. Time is running out – applications will close once the funding has been exhausted.

Have a chat with one of our specialist team members who can help you with your online marketing.

Myself and the team at Catalyst are always looking for ways to help local businesses. We’ve been in Bundaberg for over 20 years helping businesses get started online and thrive. So we’re thrilled to be able to help in this way and get the word out that business is still happening in Bundaberg. Let’s show the community that there is hope for the future, and we can all get through this if we support each other and keep moving forward!