
@Work from Home

17 Mar 2020

Due to the constantly changing state of play with the COVID-19 virus, and for the safety of both our valued clients and our team, we have decided to close our office for the time being, effective 5pm, Tuesday 17th March.

As you can imagine, we have so many clever systems setup that’s it’s business as usual for us, just no in person interactions – but that doesn’t mean no face to face meetings!

A few key things to note:

  • All client meetings will be held via ZOOM video conference (no face to face client contact for the time being)
  • Business hours still remain 9am-5pm Monday to Friday and we are still contactable via our phone, email, social media channels or website enquiry forms
  • We will keep you informed if and when circumstances change and we are safe to reopen our office
  • The best thing you can do right as a business, is to keep your customers informed of the same. If you need to adjust how you normally trade or run your business, be sure to notify your customers across as many platforms as you can.

We will be releasing blog posts with some hints and tips on how to best utilise your online presence in the coming weeks. Whilst you may not be able to physically have a shop front, this certainly doesn’t mean your business has to suffer.

Now is the time to plan your online strategy – we can help. Keep your eye out as we continue to show our support to local and small businesses .

Most of all, please pay close attention to any government announcements and familiarise yourself with any changes to normal protocol.

Stay safe and look after one another.